Types of Hair Loss
Many different types of hair loss require a specialist with knowledge of a wide range of hair loss treatments and regenerative processes. To find out which types of hair loss you may have and what the best options are for regrowing or strengthening your hair, rely on the best doctor in Manhattan at our clinic for haor transplant. Call today for an appointment to get full, healthy hair.

What Types of Hair Loss Are There?
Your NYC doctor takes into account your symptoms, history of hair loss, other medical conditions you may have and your genetics to determine the kind of hair loss you’re undergoing. It isn’t until you have this diagnosis that you can begin to consider types of hair loss treatments. Common types of hair loss include:
You don’t have to figure out what’s causing the changes in your hair, nor know how to pronounce the various types of hair loss. All you need to do is rely on the expert hair restoration doctor at Linkov Hair Surgery.

How Do I Treat Different Types of Hair Loss?
Once your doctor has determined the cause of your hair loss, you may need to treat an underlying medical condition. But there are many hair loss treatments. You’ll find nearly as many options for treatment at Linkov Hair Surgery as there are types of hair loss. Common hair loss treatments for men and for women include:
- Hair cloning
- Laser techniques
- Medications
- Stem cell therapy
- Microneedling
- Exosome therapy
- Platelet-rich plasma therapy
- Scalp micropigmentation
- Steroid injections
- Wigs, toupees and hair pieces
The best surgeon in town provides permanent hair loss relief in the form of hair transplants to meet your specific needs, which may include:
- Female transplants
- Body hair transplants
- Male transplants
- Beard transplants
- Follicular unit extraction technique
- Eyebrow transplants
- Follicular unit transplantation technique
- Transgender hair transplants
- Neografts
- Robotic procedures
- African American transplants
- Celebrity hair transplants
Contact the experts at Linkov Hair Surgery for a consultation, during which you and your doctor devise a plan to reach your goals and restore your self-esteem. Restoring your hair makes you feel as good as you look. Most treatments produce results within a month or two, although some take up to six months. At Linkov Hair Surgery, you get the best service for the best price.
Linkov Hair Surgery
150 E 56th St, #1A
New York, NY 10022
(212) 970-9404