Eyebrow Transplant Patient Instructions

linkov hair surgery

Pre-Operative Instructions

  • Ten days prior to your procedure: do not take aspirin, vitamin E, gingko biloba, or any multivitamins (as these contain vitamin E). Many medications also contain aspirin, so please be sure to read all medication labels. You may take acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Three days prior to your procedure: do not take any anti-inflammatory medications (e.g. Ibuprofen), do not drink any alcohol, and do not over-expose to the sun.
  • Make arrangements for transportation from the office after your procedure if you will be receiving any sedation. The type of sedation you receive will be decided upon by you and the doctor, but many patients choose to take an oral sedative to make the procedure more relaxing and comfortable. Procedures typically take four to eight hours, sometimes a bit longer or shorter, depending on the number of grafts.
  • If you are traveling from out of town, please make the necessary arrangements for your hotel, flights, and transportation. Our office is here to assist you with your accommodations.
  • If you have gray scalp hair and you color it, make sure it gets colored within three days prior to your procedure to permit better visualization of the hairs. You will be able to color your hair again two weeks later.
  • Your hair in the donor area (back and possibly sides of the head) will be trimmed quite short to permit the extraction of hairs. Depending upon the number of grafts being transplanted, this may involve trimming a small area on the back and/or sides of the scalp that that can easily be covered up by surrounding hair, or require sharing the entire back and sides of your head in the case of a larger procedure (800 or more FUE grafts). You should plan accordingly and discuss this with your doctor as to what is recommended for you. The hair on the rest of your head can be any length.
  • If you are having the No-Shave FUE technique, your hairs in the donor area (back and possibly sides of the head) will not be trimmed, and we recommend you let your hairs grow out to as long a length as you feel comfortable with.
  • If you are also having BHT (body hair transplants using the beard, chest, abdomen and other areas of the body) being done, you must refer to the specialized instructions.
  • For best healing, please refrain from smoking for at least one week before and one week after your procedure.
  • Taking vitamin C 1000 to 2000 mg a day for one week prior to your procedure may help with healing. To reduce bruising, vitamin K, 100 micrograms a day can be taken starting five days before surgery and continuing for two days after.

Day of your procedure

  • Eat a regular breakfast, but no coffee or caffeinated beverages in the morning as these can increase bleeding and sensitivity to medications. You will be provided lunch in the office and offered breaks during your procedure.
  • Routinely prescribed medications (e.g. for blood pressure) should be taken in the morning as usual unless otherwise instructed.
  • Wear clothes that do not need to be pulled over your head to prevent pulling out grafts immediately after your procedure. Please remove all jewelry.
  • Be prepared to remove contact lenses before your procedure if you normally remove them to sleep.
  • Feel free to bring music to listen to during your procedure. Our procedure room is also equipped with music.
  • Wash your hair the night before or the morning of surgery. Do not apply any product like gel.

Post-Operative Instructions

Medications: These are the medications that will be given to you by the office. If you are not able to take any of them (i.e. due to allergies) please let us know before your procedure. This will allow us to properly call in a different prescription to your local pharmacy.

  • Cefadroxil – antibiotic to prevent infection. Take one pill twice a day for three days.
  • Percocet – strong pain pill should you need it for the first day or two.
  • These are the medications that are available over the counter that will help you during recovery.

  • Tylenol – mild pain pill. Take one to two pills every four to six hours as needed for any discomfort.
  • Antibiotic ointment – Apply to the scalp donor area twice a day for the first five days after your procedure.

Sleeping and Activity

  • For the first night, sleep with your head elevated on several pillows or in a recliner chair to prevent swelling, and place a towel under your head for possible light bleeding.
  • Avoid any strenuous physical activity the first two days after your procedure to prevent increased swelling and loss or damage of grafts. After six days, you may resume moderate exercise, weight lifting, etc. After 10 days, you may resume swimming.
  • No direct sun exposure to the scalp for more than 30 minutes at a time for the first two weeks. Wearing a hat provides adequate protection.

Caring for the Transplants

  • For the first five days, avoid getting your eyebrows wet. Wash your face gently with a wash cloth, avoiding eyebrows. At five days, eyebrows may be splashed with water and cleansed by pressing soap into eyebrows and again splashed with water. Avoid rubbing.
  • On the sixth day, you may resume normal face washing and the eyebrows may be gently rubbed at this time. The tiny crusts where each graft was placed will fall off at around three to four days. If there is any discomfort or bleeding, stop and begin to rub again two days later.
  • Most of the transplanted hairs will fall off over the next two weeks. This is normal and the hairs will start to grow typically in four months.
  • Once they begin to regrow, you will need to trim the hairs two or three times a month, as needed. Hair gel or eyebrow gel may be needed occasionally to train a few of the hairs to grow flat along the forehead in the ideal direction.
  • Most patients are presentable five days after without any obvious signs of having had a procedure other than that they will have new hairs and possible some bruising.
  • Do not apply ice to eyebrow area, only to the eyes as needed for swelling.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure for the first three weeks after your procedure.

What to Expect

  • Numbness, tingling, or similar sensations along the top and back of the head is not uncommon, and totally normal. This will generally take several weeks, occasionally months, to resolve on its own.
  • You may have your hair cut at one week after your procedure. Hair coloring is permitted two weeks after your procedure.
  • Once transplanted, as they are from the scalp, the hairs will grow and thus will need to be trimmed every seven to ten days.

If you have any questions or concerns following your surgery, please contact the office at (212) 970-9404. If Dr.Linkov cannot be reached and you are experiencing increasing pain, swelling, bleeding, or any other concerning symptom please present to your nearest emergency room or call 911.

Page Updated on Jul 31, 2024 by  Dr. Gary Linkov  (Facial Plastic Surgeon) of  Linkov Hair Surgery.
Dr. Gary Linkov

Dr. Gary Linkov is an experienced Ivy League-educated hair transplant surgeon. Having suffered from hair loss himself, he treats his patients with compassion using a multi-disciplinary approach based on the latest hair regrowth methodologies and technologies.

He has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, contributing to the field. Dr. Linkov’s expertise in hair transplant surgery has earned him recognition and made him a sought-after physician. He was featured on the Dr. Oz Show for his needleless PRP hair restoration procedure. USA Today ranks him among the top three plastic surgeons in the United States for reconstruction and natural-looking results.

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Linkov Hair Surgery
150 E 56th St, #1A
New York, NY 10022
(212) 970-9404