Hormonal Imbalance
Many times, hair loss is due to a medical condition, which may include a hormonal imbalance. Hormone imbalance hair loss is actually pretty common, and often, when the underlying condition is determined and treated, the hair grows back. For the best diagnosis and treatment for hormonal hair loss, visit the experts at our hair transplantation clinic in Manhattan. You’ll find hormonal hair loss in women and men treatment. Don’t let hormonal hair loss keep you from enjoying your youthful appearance; call today for a consultation.

Are Hormonal Imbalances Normal?
Men and women in all stages of life experience hormone imbalance induced hair loss. The good news is that most hormonal imbalances can be treated and sometimes reversed. Unlike a genetic condition, hair has the opportunity to grow back after your hormone hair loss imbalance is identified and correctly medicated.
Your body’s production of hormones naturally changes with age, producing more or less of certain hormones throughout adolescence, during puberty and into adulthood. Many people experience a change in hormones in later life, some of which lead to significant hair loss or thinning. Catching this hormonal imbalance early gives you the best opportunity for hair regrowth.
In New York City, the top doctor in hair restoration at Linkov Hair Surgery identifies the cause of your baldness or thinning hair. Then he creates the best treatment for hormonal hair loss, so that you can regain your youthful appearance.
Can My Hair Loss Be the Result of a Hormonal Imbalance?
If you’ve been experiencing a gradual thinning of your hair, a receding hairline or patches of baldness, you may be experiencing hormonal hair loss. Estrogen hair loss in women may be experienced before or during:
- Pregnancy
- Menstruation
- Menopause
Progesterone hair loss in men can also be due to hormonal imbalances. The good thing about discovering the root of your hair loss is that you now can find a safe, effective remedy for hair loss if it’s purely hormonal. Your NYC doctor may recommend synthetic hormonal medications available to treat the condition.

Why Do Hormonal Imbalances Occur?
Hormonal imbalances can begin to occur as a natural part of aging, but it also may be expedited if there’s an injury or outside factor affecting your hormone production. Certain medications can increase or decrease the amount of hormones in your body. Cancer treatments also can affect hormone production and hinder the process of producing the normal outflow.
Often, an over production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes hair loss. DHT interferes with the hair’s growth cycle by weakening your hair follicles, making it easier for hair to fall out and harder for it to grow back. Other factors that may spur a hormonal imbalance include:
Menopause Levels of estrogen and progesterone drop during menopause. This decrease creates an increase in male hormones that shrink hair follicles, leading to hair falling out or thinning drastically. Many cases of hormonal hair loss in women are due to menopause
Some medications Certain medications may tamper with hormone production if your endocrine system is affected
Excessive stress Stress affects your body in many ways, including increasing your hair loss. Outside intense stress can trigger your system to produce too much of one hormone that may result in the loss of hair
Injury or trauma Any injury or trauma to your endocrine system can trigger early hair loss and an unexpected hormonal imbalance. The four main parts of your endocrine system are within the female ovaries or male testes, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands
Eating disorders Those suffering from an eating disorder may have hormonal effects within the endocrine system due to malnourishment
What Are the Symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance?
A hormonal imbalance normally presents itself fairly quickly in both men and women. Changes in diet, activity level, mood and sleeping habits can sometimes be traced back to an issue within your endocrine system that affects hormone production. You must identify whether or not hair loss may be a direct side effect of a hormonal imbalance.
When you first seek treatment for hair loss, tell your doctor about medical conditions for which you’re being treated. Further tests by a top hair restoration surgeon may reveal the need for hormonal balancing treatment before you continue with hair loss treatments. You may be experiencing hormonal imbalance hair loss if you have symptoms such as:
- Hair loss or thinning hair If you’ve begun to lose your hair at an early age, or if you’re not predisposed to hair loss genetically, your hair loss may be due to a hormonal imbalance
- Unexpected weight loss or weight gain A rapid fluctuation in weight can be due to an excess or decrease of certain hormones
- An irregular heartbeat Unnecessary stress hormones may affect your heart rate and cause tachycardia if there is an excess. Tachycardia is the medical term for when your heart rate is greater than 100 beats per minute
What’s the Best Treatment for Hormonal Hair Loss?
If you’re experiencing hormonal imbalance hair loss, your doctor provides the best options for treatment. Yours may include:
- Medications
- Hormone therapy
- Homeopathy
The positive side of experiencing this type of hair loss is that it’s fixable, unlike some genetic conditions where there’s no hope for the follicles to produce strong, healthy hair again. Contact Linkov Hair Surgery to learn about the many different types of hormonal hair loss treatments, such as:
Corticosteroid injections Injections may be given on your scalp, or in the area of your hair loss, to help stimulate growth hormones and encourage follicles to regenerate new hair
Ketoconazole and minoxidil Oral and topical medications such as these can halt male hormone production, slowing down the rate of hair loss in the process
Hormone therapy Estrogen hair loss and progesterone hair loss, caused by an imbalance of female and male hormones respectively, can be kept in balance through hormone therapy. More hormones are administered if there’s a deficiency to help your hair continue to grow in thick and in some cases even faster than naturally grown
Hair transplants Hair transplants work well for those suffering from aggressive pattern baldness, like male or female pattern hair loss. When injections and other topical steroids have not worked, your NYC doctor may recommend a full hair transplant, where healthy hair follicles are implanted into your scalp
Topical medicated shampoos Medications, such as finasteride and nutraceuticals, spur the regrowth of hair within the first month or two of use, making them a non-invasive, effective hair loss solution
Linkov Hair Surgery
150 E 56th St, #1A
New York, NY 10022
(212) 970-9404